Zeguro Employee Spotlight #3: Minerva

Watch this week's Employee Spotlight showcasing Minerva Novoa, Zeguro's superstar Project Manager!

Can you start by introducing yourself and what you do at Zeguro?

Great, so I'm Minerva Novoa and I'm the project manager with Zeguro, managing projects that come my way, mostly insurance, but as a problem solver and all-time great organizer, I've been called upon to assist in all things to make the company progress and succeed, and mostly to be honest if I can make Abbey happy on my team then it's a pretty good day.

What is one place in the world that you'd like to travel to and why?

I would love to travel to France and visit the Louvre. I love art and I love to see the greats in person, and during a pandemic, I think about the beauty in things, and seeing something like that would be pretty awesome right now.

What is the first job you ever had?

For the first job, I'm going to highlight the one that comes to mind. I worked in college at a company called Nutrisystem, and I had to try and sell diet meals, which was quite a task. I only lasted 2 weeks. So not very good.

What is your favorite movie?

There are too many to count. I love classics, so a lot of Alfred Hitchcock. The 30s, 40s, 50s too many to count. One movie that comes to mind is "The Help," which is more recent. One of the lines that sticks to me all the time is the famous Viola Davis line her character says to her young charge, "You are smart, you are kind, and you are important." So that's always kind of stuck to me

What type of music is on your Spotify most played?

Spotify, I have so many. I tend to love all kinds of music, classical, old school, jazz R&B, but my go to on Spotify in terms of artist is "You Too."

If you could learn any skill, what would it be?

To play an instrument, piano, violin, the guitar would be awesome, and if I can master the guitar, I would love to be able to perform Whiskey Town's "Factory Girl."

What motivates you to go to work every day?

What motivates me is the people I work with. They're smart, they're positive, with vision, can't ask for anything more.

How did you learn about Zeguro in the first place?

Abbey, she sold it to me. Simple as that.

What is your favorite memory at Zeguro?

I would say the Napa celebration we had earlier in the year. I really got to know folks that I did not work closely with. We were in a beautiful setting surrounded by wineries and greenery and food. So that's my favorite memory so far.

If you could switch jobs with anyone else at Zeguro for one day, who would it be?

Strangely enough, it's not even strange, I would say Nimish, the coder. All things coding, but as his bio says, "catch me if you can," so I don't know if I can, but for one day, I would like to be a Nimish.

Thank you so much Minerva, for taking part in our employee spotlight, and we'll have many more to come.

Thank you. Have a good one, stay safe!

Zeguro is a cyber safety solution and insurance provider for small to mid-sized businesses (SMBs), offering a comprehensive suite of tools for risk mitigation and compliance, as well as insurance premiums that are tailored to the size, sector and profile of a company.
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Jai Bawa
Written by

Jai Bawa

Content Marketing and Social Media Intern

Student at San Jose State University, fascinated with the world of Digital Marketing. Movie enthusiast. Always curious!